Les Pages Noires DISTRIBUTION:
c/o 3699 Hutchison
Montreal, Quebec
H2X 2H4

Distributor & Wholesaler information for customers outside Canada:
Payment should be made in US funds via International Money Order or cheque drawn on US bank payable to Norman Nawrocki.

Prepaid: 45%
Consignment: 40%
When prepaying, always include shipping costs.
Shipments are sent by surface mail.
Please add 3$ for shipping and handling, 10$ if airmail anywhere in the world, per item.

Email: rhythm(at)nothingness.org

Les albums

Lettres de Pologne / Letters from Poland
Ecoutez ici!
Letter 2 fascist. mp3
Lettre 4 Opole. mp3
Ecoutez ici!
blessing. mp3

Duck Work
Ecoutez ici!
Why. mp3
Pourquoi. mp3

The Montreal
Manhattan Project
Ecoutez ici!
NO5. mp3
CD - $15
CD - $15
CD - $15
CD - $15


Ecoutez ici!
Thunder Mountain. mp3
Serbird. mp3
Bakunin's Bum
Ecoutez ici!
How Far Are You Willing To Go?.mp3
Jesus was Gay
Ecoutez ici!
Jesus was gay. mp3
I Don't Understand Women!
CD - $15
-OUT OF PRINT- -OUT OF PRINT- cassette - $10


More Kick!
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On Granpa's Knee .mp3
Blood & Mud
Ecoutez ici!
In The Free Zone .mp3
Buffalo, Burgers & Beer Tumbleweed
cassette - $10
CD - $15
cassette - $10
CD - $15
cassette - $10
cassette - $10



Les livres
Breakfast for Anarchists (poetry and more) The Anarchist and the Devil Cabaret
>> read extracts
L'Anarchiste et le diable : Voyages, cabarets et autres récits
Traduction de Claude Brouillard
NO MASTERS! NO GODS! Dare to dream
Book - $12
Book - $20
Livre - $25

Book - $12
Lunch for Insurgents Dinner for Dissidents
Rebel Moon Chasseur de Tornades:
rêves, soupirs et sacres vers un monde libertaire
Lunch for Insurgents Dinner for Dissidents
Book - $15
Livre - $7
Livre - $12
Livre - $12
Nightcap for Nihilists
Livre - $12


icon coming soon...    
That's the way we tie our shoes Alive and Still Kicking    
Video - $20
Video - $20